No More by ToyMilX

No More is the name of my second pose.
Its fun to try to make poses that fits my mood and maybe even also yours.

Why this pose? There are so many events and there is always something so nice that I am buying it. But my Inventory is exploding, I personaly think also make my SL a lot slower cause of the constant loading of the inventory.
So I am cleaning up but for every 1000 Items I delete there comes 2000 back. Sad but I keep faith, it will work out in the end.
Till then I keep sometimes desperate and wishing my Inventory isn't exploding more.
Thats how this pose saw daylight.

The pose is not for sale (yet).

What you see more:
Closet: Bazar - Glam-FEMALE closet
Head: Catwa - Catya (Self made Shape)
Hair: TRUTH VIP HoneyAna & Char
Body: Maitreya - Lara (Self made Shape)
Top: Blueberry - Kiki - Tops - Maitreya/Belleza/Slink
Panty: RKKN - Annan's panties



Charlotte Crop Top {Quinnty's}

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